Thursday, August 29, 2013

Great Day

Some days, it all goes the way its supposed to.  G got up with his alarm and was pleasant when he got dressed.  He was great this morning before my meeting at school, and he played in my classroom nicely while I was gone.  We caught up after, and he wanted me to walk him to class.  He held my hand, and I got a nice hug, too.

At the end of the day, G went right to my classroom.  No one had to tell him where to go or what to do- he just did it.  No one got hurt, and I didn't have to oversee the writing of any apologies.  When I asked how his day was, it turns out his name was on "Great Day".  A step up from "Good Day"!  Much better than "Think About It" or "Walk 15 Laps at Recess."  I love that his teacher has options to move up during the day- not just down.  They are also earning tickets for positive behavior.  G is very excited about these tickets!  Positive reinforcement can work wonders!

I know that there is a lot of venting for parents of kids with disabilities.  I also know that many parents of kids with more severe disabilities would give a limb for what I perceive as extremely stressful.  I have seen great growth in the last two years, especially in the year and a half with medicine.  It takes two medications and a Master's degree in special education, but G is coming along nicely.

Most days.

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