Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Importance of Friends

Friendships have always been awkward or difficult for me.  Maybe I come on too strong.  Maybe I'm not particularly interesting.  Maybe there just aren't many kindred spirits of mine floating around out there.  In the last few years, I have found a friend, and that friendship has been important on many levels.

I can call her to get together as friends or as moms.  We have similar interests and talents.  Our boys are close together in ages so they enjoy playing together.  She has a great sense of humor and our husbands get along.

But there's a whole other level.  I don't have to explain G to her.  I don't have to worry about being judged.  If G snatches a toy from her kid, she'll tell him that G's in a bad mood, but its G's toy and he's in a bad mood, and sometimes its like that.  (I do make G give the toy back and apologize.)  If G does something naughty in front of her, she'll nicely correct him and send him on his way, without any nasty looks or comments to me.

This unwavering support is amazing.  It takes away so much stress when I know that I'm not being watched and judged as a parent.  I can't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have the support of friends and family that "get it."

We talk about it taking a village to raise a child.  I don't think it ends as children.  I think we all need a village to be happy and healthy people.  And she has been one of the best additions to my village.  (My village is named Wildland.  We Wildlanders love cookies.)

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