Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thank you, Ms. P!

I'm a special education school teacher, and I'm getting ready to head back in to work after a looooonnnnngggg summer off.  And I mean long in the best and worst ways.  I took the boys in today to play in my room while I tried to unpack all my stuff and get the furniture back where it needs to be.  J was in a horrible mood, so he did a lot of screaming for no reason and he peed on the floor of my classroom.  I was worn out, and the kids were on my last nerve.  Then I heard a familiar voice among the others in the hall- Ms. P, G's kindergarten teacher.

I handpicked Ms. P to be G's teacher last year.  One of the primary reasons was that, after ten years in the same building, she still intimidated me a bit.  She's strict but fair, firm but loving.  I have another teacher friend whose daughter had Ms. P.  She is a free-spirited kind of kid, a lot like me when I was little.  She had Ms. P, and her spirit wasn't squashed.  I knew G needed her.

It was a rough year at times.  Scab and nose picking.  Head butting other students.  Peeing on the playground.  She teased him in cute ways that made him laugh but never made him feel small.  And he learned.  Oh boy, did he learn!  My baby became a reader last year.  That means so much to me!

How would she view my wild man from the other side of the year?  I know its hard to summon the energy to get excited about things when your vacation is ending.  But he went out into the hall, and she greeted him with so much enthusiasm.  She asked him lots of questions about his vacation and upcoming first-grade year.  She hugged him and smiled and seemed genuinely happy to see him.

I know this may be hard to believe, for I really do love my boy, but I was surprised at how much care she put into her five minutes with him.  I love my kid, but I have to!  I'm his mom.  It touches me when someone shows that they love and appreciate him, flaws and all.

So, thanks, Ms. P.  Thank you for really loving my kid.  You are part of his village, and he'll carry you with him for the rest of his life.

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