Friday, May 9, 2014


Things have not been going well at school for the past few weeks.  Unfortunately, its stuff that is making it hard for him to have friends and be in the good graces of a teacher.  Even the other boys are just tired of him having his hands all over them.  And no teacher enjoys having kids break their things.

So after two weeks of nearly daily tears over how he's sorry that he had a bad day, and that he just can't do it, and other things that break my heart, we are going to the pediatrician on Monday.  I realize that its May, and nearly summer, but another month of this will just tear down his self-esteem to levels I can't handle.

I'm projecting myself on my kid, and I know it.  I worry so much about his self-esteem because of how low mine is and has been.  I know the pain of wanting friends but being unable to maintain those friendships.  I know how it feels to look back on a situation and wish like anything you had done it differently.  So I'm going to see what I can do for him.  He's too awesome of a kid.

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