Sunday, August 31, 2014

The First Week of School

I may seriously shoot myself in the foot by writing about this week in a positive light.  It has honestly been great.  G has been happy to get up most days, and once we are out the door, he's ready to be at school learning.  It may help that he has his little brother as a playmate, or just someone to torture, for the hour or so between when we arrive at school and when he can go to his class.

The teacher got a good insight as to why G is the way he is, as I forgot all G's school supplies on the first day of school.  That's right- I sent him to class without a single pencil, crayon, marker, or piece of paper.  I was able to find the necessities amongst the extras in my classroom, but it sure made it look like I don't have my $#!% together.  Maybe its better that she knows right off the bat that I'm not June Cleaver?

I can't say that G has an abundance of friends in his class, but its a mixture of kids he hasn't been with and ones that he has.  They seem like a good group.

Homework has been light, but the routine is going well.  I sit down and check his list of assignments to make sure he knows what they are and how to do them.  Then he gets them done before he plays.  He's done well, but so far the homework has been to tell your parents about a couple of things and practice writing your words of the week.  He chose spooky writing.  Its a big deal to him, this spooky writing (you make your letters shaky and spooky looking).

He likes his teacher.  "Why do you like her, G?" I asked.

In the words of an innocent seven-year-old, he responded with, "She doesn't do mean things to me."  Really?  I'm thinking.  That's all it takes for a teacher?  These kids get so mad at me when they can't have juice or the last popsicle or a bath with color tablets or a Skylander.  Teachers have it so easy.

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