We have an appointment today with the developmental pediatrician. She gave me a bunch of Vanderbilt rating scales at our appointment six months ago, which I promptly lost. So I printed one out yesterday, right after the autocall announcing the appointment that I had forgotten about. I gave it to G's teacher, my colleague, and asked her to put it in my box. Usually, teachers give the scales to the secretary, who faxes it to the doctor. But I'm sneaky. I wanted to see it.
I was expecting a couple of "very oftens" for things like leaving his seat, is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli, or fails to give attention to details. I also expected some note about fidgeting with hands, due to his inability to leave scabs alone.
I was stunned. His teacher gave him all "nevers" and "occasionals." I looked and looked and looked. Would you believe that she even says he's above average on assignment completion?
I am very happy that he is doing so well in school. Somewhere between a bit of maturity and two prescription medications, he is behaving well at school and is learning a lot.
I'm not sure why I was so stunned about the ratings she gave. Is it because I have a distorted vision of what my child is like? I honestly don't think of G as some kind of demonic kid out to terrorize the world, but he's certainly not angelic. Is it because he is so different at home? I don't believe my child is bad, I just don't believe my child has self-control.
We'll just have to see what the pediatrician has to say about the scales. I filled one out, too, for our life here at home. A lot of "oftens" and "very oftens" on that sucker.
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