Sunday, July 7, 2013

Parents and Grandparents

We went to visit Papa and Yaya this weekend, G's paternal grandparents.  We took along the Focalin, five Apple devices, and Legos.  I thought we were prepared.  Yaya has always been a bit more accepting of G's behavior.  That's not to say she doesn't get frustrated.  She does get frustrated, but she cools off quicker and seems to really find some good stuff about him, in spite of the difficult stuff.

Papa has a short fuse.  I hear he wasn't like that with my husband when he was younger, but a stroke and old age have made him cantankerous.  He's hard for all of us to be around at times, but its different with G.  I actually like it when men use a harsher tone of voice with G.  He usually stops what he's doing quicker and acts appropriately faster than with me.*  So when Papa uses a harsh tone, I'm not that upset.  I do get very bothered when someone uses inappropriate language toward G.

We are not bad parents.  We do not let G get away with whatever he wants.  We do not condone him jumping on furniture, interrupting, or eating with atrocious manners.  We aren't fans of the meltdowns or tantrums.  We cannot completely stop these things.  We use time-out and loss of privileges, usually with limited success.  We have tried spanking/hand-smacking.  They are entirely ineffective for our child.  We work on behavior charts and discussions of expected behaviors.  We are good parents!

Sorry, Papa.  You're just going to have to avoid us when we come visit if you can't find some good in us and our child.  Because we're all awesome.

* It has happened, numerous times, that I've been in the check-out area of a store, and G gets sidetracked by a toy or interesting item and wanders away.  I stand there, calling to him, with no luck.  An older gentleman will see me, smile with a hand to their lips, and sneak up to him.  In a stern voice, they say, "Young man, your mother is calling you!"  And G quickly scurries back to my side.  I'd say this happens 1-2 times a month.  I kinda like it.

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