Its seriously a problem for me. I am in the process of cleaning out my craft room, which is a three week project. I can't bring myself to just trash the fabric and other craft supplies. I can't bring myself to donate them. What is no one loves that blue zebra print upholstery fabric like I do? What if some of that just ends up in the trash? I just texted a friend to ask her to come get some of my craft supplies. Thankfully, she said yes. I might just be enabling her addiction, but its better than having it all in my house!
Its not just the fabric. I recently spent $500 on $2,000 worth of yarn when a local store went out of business. I don't have plans for all the yarn. There's just so much of it! And yet, when given a gift card to Michael's, I went and bought more yarn. Who does that?!?
At some point, I'll post a picture of my unfinished projects. That'll come after I finish cleaning out my craft room and find them all. My first quilt, pieced in high school, still isn't completely finished. I graduated in 1997 for Pete's sake.
My husband is a good man for putting up with this. Of course, he usually doesn't know exactly what I have and how much I have of it. He just closes the door, like a good neurotypical man, and goes on with life.
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