- G is reading short chapter books independently. He can read a Poppleton or Henry and Mudge book in one sitting, and then successfully take an AR test on it (a short comprehension quiz, giving points that can be used for rewards). He can read a Magic Treehouse book over several days and take an AR test on it, although his scores aren't quite as good. Maybe he forgets details in the two or three days he reads?
- G can do most of his homework independently. Some days he does all of it on his own! I talk to him before he starts about what all needs to be done. I sometimes have to prompt him to keep going or to start the next activity. When he's done, I look over it to make sure he did it correctly, then we pack it all up together so that nothing gets left at home. Overall, I'm pleased with the progress he's making towards independence on homework.
- We've had one referral to the office. He was fighting with another boy on the playground; they both got written up. Unfortunately, he gets going over the dumbest things. The playground incident was over his place in line. He tussled with a girl over a piece of paper in the classroom. These situations aren't anything for him to get worked up over, but it shows that he lacks self control.
- He's learning a whole lot. I'm thrilled to pieces with his academic progress in reading, math, and other subjects. The two teachers he works with seem to like him and enjoy having him in class.
I think there are several reasons that things are going well this year. First, we've laid some extensive groundwork between the medication he takes and the teachers he's worked with. We've put a lot of energy into helping him take responsibility for learning and behavior, while keeping him safe and secure in himself. Second, I talk to his teachers frequently. I know what's expected and I do what I can behind the scenes to meet those expectations. I don't want to be the helicopter or the bulldozer, but I'm checking up on things often. Third, (but just as important as others) he has teachers that are organized and consistent, along with caring. We've handpicked his teachers, and its part of the success.
We have some areas that need work.
- His writing is awful. His handwriting is illegible at times, although my OT friend says he's going to be okay. He hates writing, so he doesn't practice much, and so he doesn't get much better. Tough cycle.
- He's got his sensory issues still. Picking, chewing, etc.
- Behavior will always be a work-in-progress. We medicated him three years ago because the kids around him were getting hurt. If his behavior was appropriate, we wouldn't medicate him. It'll just take time.
Big picture? Things are going well. There's room for growth, but I'm pretty pleased.