For the last several weeks, G has been practicing with his class daily. The whole first grade is putting on a play about a tiger shark that wants to find a friend. My darling is a sword fish. I managed to wait until today to watch, choosing not to stop in during rehearsals. I figured he wouldn't need extra adults around.
The rehearsing has been tough. This last week has been particularly bad, with lots of fussing and whining, plus some crying and getting in trouble. There's a lot of downtime during play rehearsals, so I'm actually surprised that he wasn't getting into more trouble. I can't imagine having to sit for an hour or two while listening to other people talk and sing, with only a few breaks for my turn to talk or sing.
G is a sword fish. He has a poster board shield on a string around his neck and a plastic sword to hold. My reaction? "Who, in their right minds, hands six year old boys swords to just hold?" Really? You think he's going to just hold it nicely and not try to stab someone? The first grade teachers assured me they thought it was all going to be okay.
One particularly bad day of practice involved him losing the shield because he was messing with it too much. He was so pouty about it that he could even hold his sword up.
Today I saw the morning performance, AKA the play with Focalin. G did a great job. He stood up and sat down when he was supposed to. He went backstage and walked out with the other swordfish. He sang and moved his hands with the music. It was awesome.
Except for all the nose picking.
I feel bad. He kept looking at me and I'd smile big or give him a thumbs up. Until the picking started. I motioned for him to stop, and he hung his little head.
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