I'm not talking about a scary movie. I'm talking about my clothes. My inability to throw away craft supplies does not translate over to my closet. I love to go through and weed out the stuff I don't wear.
Its a really good thing, too, because the only time I really get all my clothes folded and put away is when I'm purging. Its about once a season. My husband puts his clothes away in a timely and tidy manner. His socks are rolled nicely and stowed in neat order. He refolds most of the shirts I fold (I'm the primary laundry completer for the family) and then stacks them on the closet shelf so that you can see each one. When he pulls one out, he ensures that the others remain stacked nicely. I think you can see what I'm depicting here.
If it weren't for my husband's hatred of clutter, I would get dressed from piles on the floor. As it is, I have a little pile on the bench at the foot of our bed. If it gets too big or stays too long, there's some confrontation to spoil the evening. I keep a huge stash on top of the dryer. Its behind a closed door, so no gnashing of my husband's teeth occurs. I used to have a big pile on a chair by the bed. I made my husband get rid of the chair. An empty chair is just begging to have a pile on it! Don't want piles? Don't leave me a place to put my junk!
This description of our clutter tolerance sums up eleven years of marital "discussions" about how our house should look. Its a fine line for us- one we still argue about frequently. Now I wonder if its just habit. I knew he was tidy when I married him, and he knew I was messy. (Not dirty- I can't stand a dirty bathroom or kitchen. I just can handle clutter.)
Anyhow, I pulled out two big bags of clothes to donate to the DAV today. And for the next two days, my closet will look great. Maybe I should go clear off the dryer now...
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