As a school teacher, I have a definite beginning and ending to each work year. Most of last year was horrible. My depression flared up in the fall. My ADHD was causing plenty of difficulties with completing work on time and remembering what had to be done by when. So I'm trying to get my act together this year, and I think its going to help.
My school division gave all the teachers laptops. (Okay- lent us all laptops.) So I've decided that Google Calendar is going to keep me in line. I am hooked up with my mother and husband's calendars, which is very helpful. I have my task list going, and I'm adding things to them by due date. Some of the tasks are due next week and some are due in February. I also have access to the calendar on my phone so I can check in on things. I have a good plan in place- now I have to execute it!
When a task comes up, I need to make sure I add it to the list instead of writing myself a post-it note to get buried somewhere. I need to check my calendar and lists daily. I need to do what's on the list! That's the hard part. I schedule, write, and manage IEPs. There's a load of paperwork with all that, and I have to be on the ball. Procrastination just won't cut it.
I'll check back in on my organization periodically. Sometimes it helps me just to have someone to report back to. Anyone out in cyberspace have ideas? How do other adults with ADHD handle the organizing and responsibilities that come with work?
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